Then I started thinking about controversial subjects that I feel strongly about, and after a good discussion sesh with Lexie, ideas just started flowing out of me. The concept itself isn't really controversial, but it will definitely cause some double-takes and turning heads. It's the concept of how smoking affects one's lungs. My mom has lung cancer because twentyfive years ago she smoked for tweleve years.
She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer almost year ago, and the doctors told her the average person diagnosed lives about eighteen months. Since last November, when she was diagnosed, my life has a lot. Not only that, but my outlook on life is so different. I hope that through this piece, I can send a message that smoking is bad for you, and that it's bad enough to change someones entire life. And it doesn't just change life for that one person, but it also affects everyone who cares for that person.
CRAP. my comment didnt show up. SCREW THIS. basically what I said is that I love this project and I loved your presentation. It was one of the most moving things I've seen since school started. You and I were the only two people that really did something that was very personal to us so YAY FOR US!! I love this and I love you <3